Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New Nephew = New Quilt Project

My brother-in-law's second son was born in September. As soon as I heard it was a boy, I went shopping for boy-appropriate quilt material (I know gender shouldn't matter when picking colours but I was definitely going to make it all pink if he had been a girl. Sorry, gender-neutralism). I picked out a bright blue minky fabric for the back/border, and various complimentary fabrics for the "squares".  I really like the elephant one, probably because it reminds me of my favourite childhood blankie that had a somewhat similar elephant print. I also used a few scraps of material from previous projects. Most of the squares are a soft flannel-ish cotton, but I also mixed in some satin and minky so that it's more interesting for tummy-time, etc. I made the same style quilt as I did for my brother's baby, but this time I added a satin binding. When my bro- & sis-in-law had their first boy, I made him a quilt and added an "A" for Aiden. So naturally, on this one I had to add an "L" for Liam! Here are some photos of the sewing process:
Pieces cut & laid out

Front sewed together

Adding binding

Monday, October 7, 2013

Garden Update

So I've been pretty much ignoring my garden for over a month now. I went home for 3 weeks, and when I got back it was not a very pretty site. I tried to revive it with some good waterings. My tomatoes were looking pretty terrible, but I had high hopes that my peppers were finally starting to give me peppers. This weekend we had a frost, and now my peppers are completely dead. However the carrots are still okay!
I've kind of given up on the garden in general for this year. Next year I'll do better!