Thursday, November 7, 2013

Wedding Celebration

Here are some photos of the details from our wedding celebration in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. It was a rustic theme with a lot of baby's breath, mason jars, and lace. We had a fabulous day!
"Mrs Gill" hanger

Matching robes made "getting ready" pictures very pretty

bridal Toms

spray rose & baby's breath bouts

baby's breath & rose bouquets

hydrangea, roses, baby's breath

Guys in linen suits

Kingsport, NS

Wedding cake by Just a Couple of Chicks

Baby's breath centrepieces | Candles in mason jars wrapped in lace and twine

Seed paper favours by Botanical Paperworks

Seating Chart

Guestbook Table

Programs made with Microsoft Word



Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New Nephew = New Quilt Project

My brother-in-law's second son was born in September. As soon as I heard it was a boy, I went shopping for boy-appropriate quilt material (I know gender shouldn't matter when picking colours but I was definitely going to make it all pink if he had been a girl. Sorry, gender-neutralism). I picked out a bright blue minky fabric for the back/border, and various complimentary fabrics for the "squares".  I really like the elephant one, probably because it reminds me of my favourite childhood blankie that had a somewhat similar elephant print. I also used a few scraps of material from previous projects. Most of the squares are a soft flannel-ish cotton, but I also mixed in some satin and minky so that it's more interesting for tummy-time, etc. I made the same style quilt as I did for my brother's baby, but this time I added a satin binding. When my bro- & sis-in-law had their first boy, I made him a quilt and added an "A" for Aiden. So naturally, on this one I had to add an "L" for Liam! Here are some photos of the sewing process:
Pieces cut & laid out

Front sewed together

Adding binding

Monday, October 7, 2013

Garden Update

So I've been pretty much ignoring my garden for over a month now. I went home for 3 weeks, and when I got back it was not a very pretty site. I tried to revive it with some good waterings. My tomatoes were looking pretty terrible, but I had high hopes that my peppers were finally starting to give me peppers. This weekend we had a frost, and now my peppers are completely dead. However the carrots are still okay!
I've kind of given up on the garden in general for this year. Next year I'll do better!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5:2 Intermittent Fasting Diet

On a non-gardening note, I'd like to talk about my latest attempt at dieting. I've never been much of a dieter.  In my adolescence I was blessed with a super-fast metabolism and could eat whatever I wanted to with no consequences. So I never had to really think about dieting. As I hit my twenties though, things started to slow down a little bit. I never really hit the overweight mark, but I have put on some extra weight that I wasn't super happy about. I've tried to diet on a few different occasions; by making more healthy choices, and a few fad diets. It never stuck. The longest I made it was probably a week, maybe two. 
Then I learned about the Fast Diet on Good Morning America. It sounded pretty doable. Five days a week you eat as you normally would, no calorie counting. Then for 2 non-consecutive days a week, you limit your food intake to 500 calories (600 for men). For example: a boiled egg, and half a grapefruit for breakfast, and a vegetarian chili with brown rice for supper (add an extra egg for the men). You pretty much just have to skip lunch and cut out snacking for 2 days a week. That's not bad! Alternatively, some people choose to skip breaky and lunch, and just have one 500/600 calorie meal for the day. The great thing about this diet is that it's flexible, and it's part-time! It's awesome! Also, according to scientific research, intermittent fasting not only helps you lose weight, but has many other health benefits including reduced rick of cancer. Check it out!
After doing a little research, my partner and I decided to give it a go. I bought the book (you can find it here), and we started with our first fast day on March 14, 2013. The first couple of fast days were a challenge. I'm not gonna lie. I was hungry for most of the day, and found it hard to sleep at night, because I couldn't stop thinking about the hunger. But however hungry I felt, I pushed through because I was determined to conquer this challenge! I have never had great will power, especially when it comes to food. But when I know that I can eat whatever I want tomorrow, it's pretty easy to resist those chips and/or cookies today. After a couple weeks, the fast days started to become routine. We'll wake up in the morning, and excitedly say "fast day!". It was fake enthusiasm at first, to motivate us for the hungry day ahead. But I think we're both starting to almost enjoy the fast days. I enjoy the bi-weekly mental and physical challenge. Not to mention the day after a fast day, I'm usually a couple pounds lighter! My weight fluctuates daily, but I'm usually at a new low after a fast. And that feels awesome! This is our 9th week, and I've lost about 10lbs so far. I feel great!
We've also been working out more often than we used to. I'm not sure if the Fast Diet motivated that change or not. But we've been going to the gym about 4 times a week (instead of  the usual 2 times), and we're doing lots of different activities (spinning, tennis, swimming, weight training, etc). Overall, I'm enjoying a healthy lifestyle, and plan on sticking to the intermittent fasting plan for a long time.

Transplant Time

We've had a pretty chilly spring here in the Springs. But the temperatures are finally starting to stay above freezing (I hope for good). So, the other day I finally transplanted my seedlings to my outside garden bed!
Some of my tomato leaves are now looking dried up, and have spots on them. I'm hoping they pull through.

I also planted some new seeds in the garden (carrots, onions, basil, cilantro, peas). I should see them sprouting in a week or so. We'll see.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Seedling update

Well, almost all of my original seeds have sprouted. Most have grown true leaves now as well, and I've trimmed back the weakest seedlings. The tomatoes and broccoli are doing very well. The peppers have been the slowest to sprout, but they are starting to grow now. Also in my stir fry veggies, the snow peas and carrots are starting to sprout! I think the snow peas are just the prettiest little seedlings!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's alive!!!

Well I guess I'm not a very patient person... Yesterday I gave up on my seeds and started over. This morning I woke up to 3 little tomato seedlings! Yay! Still nothing from the peppers, but it's very exciting to see something growing!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Seedlings-Starting over

So, 2 days after my seeds were supposed to sprout, and I still see nothing. I have a feeling my seeds rotted in the potting soil... So I returned to Lowes for more supplies and started over. This time I used seed starting pucks made of peat moss, and a mini greenhouse! These ones had better grow!
I also bought a Growums stirfry veggie growing kit, which I believe is marketed towards kids, but whatever. It includes bok choy, carrots, and snow peas!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Still no seedlings...

My tomato and pepper seeds were supposed to sprout yesterday... Still nothing. I'm starting to think (because of some things I read yesterday) that I shouldn't have planted them in potting soil like I did. I should have used special seed starting soil... But I'm not giving up on them yet! I saw an idea on pinterest to make a mini green house with a pop bottle. So I'm gonna try that with a couple pots and see if it helps. If I have no seedlings in the next couple days, I will start over :(
Also as seen on pinterest, I'm trying to grow a new celery plant from a very shriveled stump that I pulled out of my crisper! We'll see how that goes...

Monday, March 11, 2013


I started my broccoli indoors today! According to sprout robot, my tomatoes and peppers should be sprouting today. But so far, I don't see anything but soil...

Sunday, March 10, 2013


To quote one of my favourite Kristin Wiig SNL characters: "Lets see…Yard gloves…tomato seeds…fertilizer… Hey, Pat Sajack, I’ll solve the puzzle! Gardening!"
That's right, I've decided to start a veggie garden this summer! And to help me get started,  I found this great site called Sprout Robot which tells you what to plant and when, according to where you live! It told me to start my tomatoes and bell peppers indoors last week. Which is exactly what I did! Now I'm waiting for the little darlings to sprout! I'll be posting about my gardening experiences throughout the summer! I'm very excited to see how green my thumb is! 

Winter Wonderland

We've been pretty busy the last month or so, mostly with skiing and snowboarding! It's been exactly what I imagined living in Colorado would be like. Getting lots of great snow, and going to the hills as much as possible.
The two main hills that we've been hitting up are Copper Mountain and Winter Park. We've had some great days at both places (if you forget about the terrible traffic going through Denver).
Winter Park
A couple weeks ago we went up to Steamboat Springs for a few days, and had a blast! We were surprised by a dumping of fresh powder on our first day. It was so light and fluffy! Then the next morning we woke up to another 10 inches! We were hitting some untouched runs, knee-deep in snow! It was awesome. By the third day, we were pretty wiped and there was no fresh snow (we had gotten quite spoiled by this time) so we made a day of skiing our way from bar to bar on the hill. There happened to be a rugby match on at the last lodge, so we camped out there until closing time! All in all, a great time!
Fresh Powder at Steamboat Springs


I hadn't even gotten fully unpacked from that trip, when Ty's friend invited us on a  Summit Hut trip to do some back country skiing/riding! We, of course, jumped at the opportunity! I finally got to test out my new snowshoes! We drove out to the Breckenridge area where we parked and hiked to the cabin with all our gear on our backs. It was about a 40 minute hike uphill. We shared the cabin with a group of about 20 people. It was a great time. All three days there were spent trekking out to the surrounding hills to do some back country riding. This was my first back country experience. Being at 11,360 ft altitude in a foot of fresh snow, the 20 minutes of hard work it takes to get to the top sort of overpowers the fun you have in the 30 seconds it takes to ride down. But those 30 seconds are still a lot of fun! By the third trip down, I'm thinking "that was fun, I wanna do it again.... But there's no way I'm climbing up there again." Then at the end of the trip we got to ride back down the trail to our car!
Snowshoeing with the board on my back pack

Gorgeous views

All our tracks