Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ski Season Starts!

On Friday night, to get ourselves pumped up for the season, we went to a showing of the new Warren Miller movie, Flow State. Unfortunately we didn't win any of the door prizes, despite my special ballot folding technique. Oh well... It was a pretty good film, and definitely got us in the mood for skiing/riding!

This was the view from our seats.
After the movie it was straight to bed so we could wake up at 5:30am to head to Copper Mountain! It took us about two and a half hours to get there. We took the back way which was much more interesting than the highway through Denver; the alternate route. We got to see lots of cute little mountain towns along the way, including South Park!

On the way...
 There were 3 trails officially open at the mountain. But two of them were only open to the US Ski racing team... So there was one trail open. It was a nice long run and the snow was quite decent. But it was pretty crowded as you might imagine. We still enjoyed ourselves. I was testing out my new board, which is turning out to be a lot of fun to ride! Can't wait for the rest of the mountain to open up!
flashing the season passes

 After about six runs, we were getting bored of the one crowded trail, and a little bit tired too. First day out, no need to go crazy! So we headed into the pub with our free koozies that we were early enough to score! They got us a couple $3 beers, which we enjoyed along with some "spicy beer cheese soup" in bread bowls. Now that really hit the spot! mmm mmmm!
cold beer, warm hands
Then it was back to the Springs, and looking forward to our next trip to Copper Mountain.


  1. Nice ski gear. Now please don't tell me you converted Tyler and he is a rider now. I wouldn't want to show him up again. Then again he learned all his ski techniques from me. :)

    1. No, he's still skiing and I'm still riding. :)
